I walked up to the observatory around sundown. Walked in, opened the roofs and made a cup of coffee. Dusted off my sky atlas and took a look at the area around Triangulum. Spotted NGC 925 and though "Huh, there's a nice galaxy fitting for my C9,25"! I had a lot of time though until that little guy was overhead so I took to the Moon! I started with my C9,25 in Solar System mode (that is with the SCT crayford and 2x barlow installed) and shot a few avi's with the DBK21 thinking "wow I haven't done this in years!" and "hmmm, this is FUN!". Before I knew it it was getting darker and the Moon was getting lower. My wife suggested taking a full frame shot of the Moon and so I did. I think it turned out spectacular! As the darkness fell, I switched to deep sky mode, fitted the f/6.3 corrector with the new (proper) SCT T-adapter and proper T-Ring from Baader and headed out to NGC925...this little guy deserves more attention! It's a magnificent barred spiral approx 30 million LY away in the constellation Triangulum. I picked up 11 4 minute frames, added the appropriate darks and this is what came out of processing. I have to say, it was the first time that PHD guided perfectly from the start with no hiccups and my miniguider seemed to be spot on focus. I like! As dawn approached, Jupiter peaked up from the neighbours roof and so back to Solar System mode it was! Reducer off - SCT Focuser back on and Ultima 2X for this shot of Jupo which unfortunately was under average to poor seeing conditions. Never the less, I love the fact that I have an instrument that can offer such great variety. It feels like my nearly 5 year old SCT just got a whole new lease of life.
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