Opposition: 31 July 2018 Apparent size at opposition: 24.3"
August 18
22.9", fair to good seeing for these images. Reduced contrast persists.
August 4
Mars at 24.3" across, with reduced contrast due to the ongoing dust storm
June 12
Major dust activity all around the planet. Vallis Marineris seen here setting is under dust and a new outbreak is spotted here over Daedalia Planum.
June 5
Apparent size is now 16 arc-sec. Very poor seeing for this view, centered on Terra Cimmeria and Elysium Planitia.
Sample clip @ 02:02 UT
May 28
Fair to good seeing on this attempt. A wealth of surface features are visible on Mars, with Syrtis Major prominent. At 14.7" the disc is now very pleasing to observe visually aswell with most large scale structures apparent at 195x.
00:14 - 01:50 UT Animation
View through the telescope @ approx 01:33 UT
April 30
Just over 10" across and some surface detais.
April 5, 2018
Very poor seeing but very good transparency. Despite favorable predictions, this night yielded very poor results.