L: 20x120sec (ISO1600)
D: 5x120sec (ISO1600)
F: N/A
B: N/A
Guiding: DIY 50mm miniguider & Imaging Source DBK21
Captured with BackyardEOS, processed with PhotoshopCS3
A massive, gorgeous spiral galaxy sometimes visible to the naked eye from dark skies. Approximately 2.5 million light years away in the constellation Triangulum (hence the name). Imaged last night from my home observatory with EOS550D and C9,25(f/6.3) guided with 50mm miniguider.
L: 20x120sec (ISO1600) D: 5x120sec (ISO1600) F: N/A B: N/A Guiding: DIY 50mm miniguider & Imaging Source DBK21 Captured with BackyardEOS, processed with PhotoshopCS3
So here are the first results of my first dive into the Deep from the new setup and observatory! Had a real struggle trying to enable guiding due to a) The DIY miniguider I assembled using a 9x50 finder and a makeshift 1,25" nosepiese could not reach focus with the DBK so I had an epiphany and switched back to the side by side setup with the Orion ST80...
and b) It took me roughly 3 hours to figure out how exactly to get PHD to talk to the NEQ6 aswell as activate the guide commands... more on that later though! ![]() On the night of July 29, we gathered at the pine tree locale with our friends Rolandos & Koulla to seek out supernova 2013DY in Lacerta. Our attempt was a success and we were treated with beautiful dark skies (best SQM reading was 20.89 at zenith) and a multitude of fireballs that seemed to be early Perseids! I set up the camera quite a few feet away to capture this but I seemed to have annoyed a critter who kept walking around the camera nervously but remained in stealth mode (good thing it didn't touch anything!). Here's a quick and silent timelapse of our activity! I have been busy testing the 550 these past few weeks and I must say I'm very pleased with what I see.
I shot a couple of Messier objects from Xyliatos on the 23rd and took some panoramic shots from Amiantos on the 30th. I used Backyard EOS for the Messier objects, a software I highly recommend to all EOS users! Full imaging automation from exposure planning to live focusing and guiding! Awesome! So here are the shots. My CG5 mount was really struggling to hold the C9,25 with the camera so I had to make due with 15sec unguided shots. The wide field shots taken on the 30th are unprocessed! |
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